Secured Server Setup
The following steps are recommended to be carried out to ensure the server is secure and protected from external access/ intrusions and disruptions.
2.1 User Access Management
The root user is not recommended to be used for the server setup. Hence, a new user must be created. To add a new user and grant them superuser privileges, these steps are to be followed:
# adduser <<username>>
If root access is not available:
# sudo adduser <<username>>
Password prompt is displayed. Re-type the password to confirm password. Then fill out the user information as prompted. Press "Y" to continue.
Add the user "<<username>>" to the "sudo" group to grant them superuser privileges:
usermod -aG sudo <<username>>
If root access is not available:
sudo usermod -aG sudo <<username>>
[Note: Ensure all commands are carried out through this user, as the docker build and docker compose commands require a UID and GID of 1000, which is assigned to the first user created in the OS]
2.2 Firewall Setup
To configure the firewall (ufw) to allow SSH connections:
See which applications are registered with ufw/firewall.
ufw app list
There should be "OpenSSH" in the list.
Allow OpenSSH through the firewall and enable the firewall.
[Note: Since the firewall blocks all connections except those explicitly allowed in the firewall rules, it is crucial to verify that the rules are accurate before enabling the firewall. Incorrect or missing rules could result in losing access to the server, so proceed with caution. For more information: UFW Essentials guide. ]
ufw allow OpenSSH
ufw enable
Type Y and press ENTER to proceed. This will activate the firewall.
To check the status of the firewall and ensure that SSH connections are allowed, type:
ufw status
2.3 Secure SSH Setup
It is recommended to configure all servers used for the deployment of the IMIS to use secure SSH (Secure Shell) authentication for remote access and server management. To enhance security, password-based login should be disabled, and only SSH key-based authentication should be allowed. This approach reduces the risk of unauthorized access by relying on cryptographic key pairs, which are significantly more secure than traditional passwords, thereby safeguarding the system against brute-force attacks and other vulnerabilities.
2.4 SSL Setup
SSL is recommended to ensure data security and prevent attacks. To secure your application with SSL, an SSL certification is required with the following certificates:
• private.pem (private key)
• fullchain.pem (full certificate)
SSL is required for both the application and the geoserver as well, thus two SSL certificates are required for IMIS. Additionally, to implement SSL, the corresponding domain/sub-domain names are also required for the web application and geoserver, that is mapped to the corresponding IP addresses of the servers. This procedure should be carried out at the end of the deployment process, after the deployment process is completed.
Configure Nginx for SSL in Docker
Modify Nginx configuration in Dockerfile to enable HTTPS. For more details refer to Annex: SSL Configuration in Docker section below.
Configure GeoServer to Use SSL
Configure GeoServer to use SSL; otherwise, it may create issues while displaying layers and styles. For more details refer to Annex: SSL Configuration in Geoserver below.
2.5 Data Backup Recommendation
The 3-tier backup strategy is recommended to ensure protection of data and ensure quick recovery in case of data loss. The 3-tier backup strategy is mentioned below:
Tier 1: Primary Backup (On-Site Daily Backup)
The Primary Backup is to be carried out daily, which is stored on-site (local server or external storage device). This provides quick access to the data for immediate recovery.
Tier 2: Secondary Backup (Off-site or Cloud Backup)
The Secondary Backup is to be carried out weekly, which is stored in a remote location or a separate cloud server. This protects the data from local disasters and data loss from main servers. This ensures a copy of the data is present even when the main server and primary backups are lost.
Tier 3: Tertiary Backup (Archival)
The Tertiary Backup is to be carried out monthly, which is stored in a highly secure and often offline or low-access environment. This enables long term retention of historical data, geo-redundancy of data and resilience against large scale incidents.
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