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12.1 Public / Community Toilets

12.1.1 Navigation to Public / Community Toilets 

·         Open the sidebar and click on ‘PT/CT IMS’ to expand.

·         Select the Public / Community Toilets.



·         The Public / Community Toilets Page lists all the attribute records stored in the module and provides different Filters, Actions, and Tools that can be used according to the requirements. For more details (refer to section 5 Filters, section 6 Actions, and section 8 Tools).



12.2 Add Public / Community Toilets

·         Click on the ‘Add Public / Community Toilets’ button.

·         User will be redirected to the following page:

Figure 12- 2 Add new Public / Community Toilets

•    After filling out the form click Save, and make sure a pop-up message is displayed, refer to section 7.1 Save for more details. 
•    If a mandatory form field is left out or any form failed validation during the form submission a validation message box will be prompted, refer to section 7.2 Validation Message Box for more details.


The Add New Public / Community Toilet page consists of different form fields that capture information, as explained below:

·         Toilet Type: Type of toilet such as “Public Toilet" or “Community Toilet”.

o   Public Toilets (PT) is for the use of floating population/public in places such as markets, train stations, or other public areas and are used by mostly undefined users.

o   Community Toilet (CT) are shared toilet facilities provided for a defined group of residents or an entire settlement/community. It is normally located in or near the community area and used by almost all community members.

·         Toilet Name: Name given to the toilet.

·         Ward Number: Ward number where the toilet is located.

·         Location: Name of the location where the toilet is located.

·         House Number/BIN: The house number identifies the building where the toilet is located and serves as its unique identifier, particularly for the building that houses the septic tank. The dropdown menu displays only the codes that are maintained in the Buildings sub-module of the Building IMS module. Additionally, it will show only buildings related to the selected toilet type. Once a building is added, it will no longer appear in the dropdown menu the next time you add a form.

·         Distance from Nearest Road (m): Distance from the nearest road to where the toilet is situated.

·         Status: Indicating the operational status of the toilet.

·         Caretaker Name: Full name of the caretaker of the toilet.

·         Caretaker Gender: The gender of the caretaker.

·         Caretaker Contact: The contact number of the Caretaker of the toilet.

·         Owning Institution:  The selected owning institution in the form dynamically adds the field shown below:

o   Name of Owning Institution: Name of the owning institution that owns the toilet.

·         Operate and Maintained by: The selected operate and maintained by the form dynamically adds the field shown below:

o   Name of Operate and Maintained by: Name of the operator and maintainer that operates the toilet.

·         Total Number of Seats: The total number of toilet seats in the public toilet or the community toilet.

·         Total Number of Urinals: The total number of urinals in the public toilet or the community toilet.

·         Separate Facility for Male and Female: Indicates whether or not the toilet has separate facilities for males and females.

o   If “Yes” is selected, the form dynamically adds two new fields as shown below:

o   No. of Seats for Male Users: Number of toilet seats available for male users of the public toilet. It takes numeric value only.

o   No. of Seats Female Users: Number of toilet seats available for female users of the public toilet. It takes numeric value only.

·         Separate Facility for People with Disability: Indicates whether or not the toilet has facilities for the differently abled people.

o   If “Yes” is selected, the field shown below is added:

·         No. of Seats for People with Disability: Number of seats available for differently abled people in the public toilet. It takes numeric values only.

·         Separate Facility for Children: Indicates whether or not the toilet has facilities for children.

·         Presence of Indicative Sign: Indicates whether or not the toilet has an indicative sign.

·         Sanitary Supplies and Disposal: Indicates whether or not the toilet has sanitary supplies and disposal facilities.

·         Adherence with Universal Design Principles: Indicates whether the toilet adheres to the universal design principles.

·         Uses Fee Collection: Indicates whether a fee is collected for using the toilet. If the user selects “Yes” the form adds two input labels as shown below:

o   Uses Fee Rate: The fee collected for using the toilet.

o   Frequency of Fee Collected: The options for the frequency of the fee collected for public toilets is per use and for community toilets is weekly, half monthly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.


·         Deletion of public toilet data is not permitted when in use with the PT Users Module.

Deletion of community toilet data is not permitted when it is associated with building data.