Each sub-module that displays records includes a range of filters based on the attributes maintained by the module or page. These filters enable users to refine and sort information according to various attributes specific to the records. Additionally, the export tool is fully compatible with these filters, ensuring efficient and accurate data export.
Initially, all filters are hidden. Select the Show Filter button to expand the filter.
Figure 5- 1 Filter Toggle
· The user must select the Show Filter button to view the filter.
· Enter its appropriate value and click on the Filter button. E.g., Structure Type > RCC Framed and Ward >Ward 1.
· To remove the filter, click Reset.
Figure 5- 2 Filter Search Fields
· The filtered data using the multiple search fields is shown below (e.g. Structure Type: Load Bearing, Functional Use: Agricultural & Farm and Sanitation Systems: Septic Tank)
Figure 5- 3 Multiple Fields using Filter