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Emptying Service Data Collection

  • On clicking the Form button, it redirects to the emptying service form.
  • Fill the form on site with the required details and the user must press ‘SUBMIT’ button to upload the details to IMIS.


                                  Figure 5-4 Emptying service form


The Emptying service details page consists of different form fields which are mentioned below:

·        Date (A.D): The date is auto-filled.

·        Service Receiver Name:  Full name of the service receiver who was present at the time of emptying.

·        Service Receiver Gender: The gender of the service receiver who was present at the time of emptying.

·        Service Receiver Contact Number: Contact number of the service receiver who was present at the time of emptying (This field allows only the numeric values).

·        Reason For Emptying: The reason for which the containment was emptied.

·        No. of trips: The total number of trips required to empty the sludge (This field allows the numeric values).

·        Sludge Volume: The amount of sludge that has been collected. A rough estimation can be entered in meter cube (m3)

·        Desludging Vehicle Number Plate: The desludging vehicle license number plate which is used for emptying

·        Select a Driver:  Select the driver’s name who is responsible for operating the desludging vehicle.

·        Emptier 1: The name of the first emptier involved in the emptying process.

·        Emptier 2:  The name of the second emptier involved in the emptying process.

·        Start Time: The starting time of emptying the containment.

·        End Time: The ending time of emptying the containment. The end time must be after the start time.

·        Receipt Number: The receipt number generated after the emptying process.

·        Total Cost: The total cost of the emptying process (This field allows only the numeric values).

·        Disposal Place: The treatment plant where the sludge is disposed.

·       House Image: - Before submitting the form, the user must attach an image of the building where the sludge was emptied. If the house image is already available on the website, the option to upload a new house image will not be accessible, and you are not required to upload it from the mobile app. However, if the house image is not present on the website, the user will need to upload it from the mobile app.

·        Receipt Image: The image of receipt generated after the emptying process.

·        Comments (If any): Comments to share the user's thoughts after the emptying process.


·     For uploading the image of the House and Receipt, the maximum image size that should be uploaded is “5 MB”. The submitted data is then sent to the IMIS web application. Also, the image format should be in JPEG.

·       All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed to submit the form. If any necessary fields are left empty, the application will not permit the user to continue. Incomplete fields will be highlighted in red to show which ones need to be filled in.

·     Sludge volume should not be more than its containment size capacity.

Figure 5-5 Empty Field Red Highlight

Figure 5-6 Success Message