Appendix D. IMIS-Driven Sanitation Service Delivery
SN |
Requirements |
Importance (M=Mandatory, D= Desirable) |
Availability (Yes/No) |
Remarks |
Enabling Environment |
1 |
Has the LG officially endorsed and adopted the CWIS (Citywide Inclusive Sanitation) approach? |
M |
2 |
Does LG have any specific plans or strategies focused on sanitation, such as a CSP (City Sanitation Plan), sanitation strategy, or FSM (Fecal Sludge Management) by-laws? If not, is the LG currently working on developing such plans? |
D |
3 |
Are there any clearly defined mandates assigned or established for various aspects of the sanitation value chain within the LG's policy or official documents? |
M |
4 |
Has LG established a central-level committee to oversee sanitation activities? |
D |
5 |
Does LG have a dedicated unit responsible for FSM (fecal sludge management)? If not, has the LG assigned the responsibility of FSM to any specific department or staff? |
M |
6 |
Has the LG allocated a specific budget for sanitation purposes? |
D |
7 |
Dees LG already formulate any established model for sanitation service delivery (e.g., process, payments, information collection)? |
M |
8 |
Does LG need to submit annual/quarterly report of progress to higher bodies? If yes, are there any sanitation related indicators in the report? |
D |
9 |
Does LG address inclusive sanitation services targeting poor, vulnerable communities in its policy, planning and budgeting process s? Is there any defined LICs areas within municipality? |
D |
10 |
Does LG conduct periodic promotion for safe sanitation, behavior change and community engagement? |
D |
11 |
Are there any policies that require households to regularly empty containments? Is there a plan for moving towards scheduled desludging? |
D |
12 |
Are there any policy mandates for safe disposal? |
M |
Sanitation Service Delivery |
13 |
Is there a mechanism in place for citizens to request emptying services through the LG or private operators? |
M |
14 |
Does LG enforce licensing mechanism for private operators? |
M |
15 |
Is there standard tariff set for emptying by LG? |
M |
16 |
Are there desludging vehicles and other necessary infrastructure available for the emptying service? |
M |
17 |
Does a formal system for citizens to request emptying services exist? |
M |
18 |
Does the LG periodically monitor service providers? |
M |
19 |
Does customer database available for sanitation services? |
M |
20 |
Does customer database available in digital format? |
D |
21 |
Does a mechanism for customers to provide feedback on the emptying service exist? |
M |
22 |
Is there a provision of transfer stations for buildings that are not directly accessible due to narrow roads? (Yes/No) |
D |
23 |
Does the LG or private operator manage public toilets (PT) and community toilets (CT) within the city? |
M |
24 |
Is there a feedback system in place to monitor the condition and usage of PTs and CTs? |
D |
25 |
Is there a presence of FSTP or any designated area for the disposal of sludge? |
M |
26 |
Are there potential buyers identified for treated wastewater and sludge? |
D |
27 |
Does the LG currently have a building permit process in place to issue and verify building permits? |
D |
28 |
Is there a step within the building permit process to verify the sanitation system? |
D |
29 |
Does the LG monitor the quality and standards of the existing sanitation systems? |
D |