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Building Information Management System (BIMS)
Fecal Sludge Information Management System (FSIMS)
The FSIMS is another core and most important module CWIS. This module enables municipality to digitalize and manage all data related to sanitation systems and services. FSIMS digitalize the complete sanitation service chain from application request for emptyin...
PHISS is another core module of the IMIS, designed to empower municipalities in monitoring and addressing public health and sanitation challenges. PHISS enables the collection and maintenance of water sample data from various sources, including groundwater, su...
CWIS Information Management System (CWIS IMS)
CWISIMS is a vital module of the IMIS that provides tools to generate CWIS indicators for the city and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor the performance of sanitation service providers for a specified year. The CWISIMS is a part of the UMDSS which a...
Utility IMS
UIMS, a core module of the IMIS, is designed to manage detailed spatial and attribute data for municipal utilities such as roads, stormwater drains, water supply networks, and sewer systems. UIMS plays a critical role in achieving CWIS by enabling municipaliti...
Solid Waste Information Support System (SWISS)
The SWISS module enhances solid waste service management and fee collection by importing a municipality’s solid waste customer data in CSV format into IMIS. It maintains customer records and tracks fee payment statuses, allowing municipalities to monitor servi...
Property Tax Collection Information Support System (PTCISS)
PTCISS is a value-added module within the Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS) that helps municipalities monitor and manage property tax collection using map-based visualization tools. It allows authorities to import property tax data via CSV format,...
Urban Management DSS
UMDSS is a core tool within IMIS, offering spatial analysis, mapping, data export, and dashboard visualizations to support evidence-based planning, management, and monitoring of sanitation systems, services, and broader urban management activities. In additio...
Public Health ISS
PHISS is a core IMIS module designed to help municipalities monitor and address public health and sanitation challenges. It facilitates the collection and maintenance of water sample data from groundwater, surface water, and treated wastewater, ensuring compli...
This is a module to allows administrators to manage user access and control permissions within the system. Features include: User Credentials - securely store and manage user authentication details, including usernames, passwords options. Roles Management- C...
Building Initial Understanding
Open GIS data Extractions Process Framework
Geospatial Assessments for CWIS Planning
App Installation
An APK file will be made available in common access location or shared via link that can be downloaded and installed on your device.
Navigate to Building Data
Click the Building Data button, all the building data collected are displayed in a list. Once clicked, displays the Buildings Data list page. Figure 5-1 Building Data Ov...
Opening the app/ Login
On opening the app for the first time, the user is asked for their login credentials. Enter email address and password in textbox. Click on 'LOG IN' button. ...
Navigate to Dashboard
After successful login, a dashboard page is displayed. The user must select 'Emptying Service' card to enter details related to emptying service. Click on the three dots at the top right corner to get the log out option. ...
Navigate to emptying service
For collecting the emptying service details of the application, click on the Emptying Services on the dashboard. Once clicked, the user will be directed to a list of applications that have been created. ...
Miscellaneous (Permissions)
Overview: When the user first uses the application, they must provide the Location Permission to the app. Allow IMIS Base to access this device’s location, photo and media requested by the app by clicking “While Using the App”. The user is also prompted t...
Overview: When the user is using the APP for the first time, the user must provide location permission and Photo media access to the app. Allow IMIS Base to access this device’s location requested by the App by clicking ‘WHILE USING THE APP’. Al...
This document contains the overall process of establishing GIS-based database required for establishing IMIS in a city including the process of preparing city’s GIS data, household survey for establishing containment database, etc. This database will become a ...
The general workflow for establishment of GIS database for IMIS is outlined as follows:
Exploration data available with local government & other stakeholders
A key informant interview (KIIs) with local government officials and other stakeholders (e.g. Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Local Government, etc.) is a first step in for ascertaining availability of various spatial and non-spatial data needed for ...
Acquisition of available data and standardization
All available data layers must be acquired from the LGs and other stakeholders. If the certain data layers are in the paper form, then scanning the map at high resolution, performing georeferencing to assigning spatial coordinates to the scanned map image an...
Acquisition of high-resolution satellite imagery
A very high-resolution satellite imagery is a pre-requite to establish a robust and reliable base dataset required for IMIS specifically for digitizing building outlines, road data and water bodies. High-resolution satellite imagery can be created through do...
Digitization of data-layers using high-resolution satellite imagery
The high-resolution imagery will be the sole basis for identification and digitization of intended features (e.g., building footprint, road network) through visual inspection and a manual digitization process by a person having proficiency in GIS within a GI...
Field verification of buildings, roads, sewerage, drainage and water supply
Since building footprints, roads and containment data are the most crucial datasets for IMIS, a field verification process is needed to ascertain presence of all digitized features (e.g., building footprints and road networks) on the field and digitize featu...
Field survey for collection of attribute data
Building data must be mapped with sanitation system available in the buildings, as well associated access road, drain, sewerage network and water supply networks for IMIS. This information must be collected through an extensive census field survey within the...
Composition of survey team
Three different group of persons are required to smoothly conduct the survey. 1. Enumerators: Responsible for collecting information on the field 2. Supervisors: Overall monitoring of enumerators 3. Coordinator: Setting the mobile and web application...
Conducting field survey using MerginMaps
A field survey using MerginMaps requires extensive training to enumerators on how to use MerginMaps and conduct data collection accurately and efficiently. Besides training to enumerators, a curtailed training to a person with GIS knowledge to act as a survey ...
Date: _ _/_ _/ _ _ _ _ Name of Surveyor: Name of Respondent: Gender (Male/Female/Others): Contact number of Respondent: Owner Information Name of Owner: Gender (Male/Female/Others): Contact number of Owner: Ward: House Address: Road Code (XXX): ...
The Necessity and Impact of GIS based Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (G-CWIS) Training
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a public service approach that offers significant benefits in planning, designing, and implementing various ground-level sanitation interventions. CWIS involves demonstrating improved core system functions at different a...