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Public Health ISS

PHISS is a core IMIS module designed to help municipalities monitor and address public health and sanitation challenges. It facilitates the collection and maintenance of water sample data from groundwater, surface water, and treated wastewater, ensuring compliance with water contamination standards and supporting CWIS environmental monitoring objectives.

PHISS also tracks waterborne disease cases (e.g., diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid) and identifies hotspot areas, including associated fatalities, enabling municipalities to conduct spatial analysis and implement targeted interventions.

The module supports CWIS indicators by monitoring:

  1. Water contamination compliance across different water sources.
  2. Incidence of faecal-oral diseases to assess sanitation system effectiveness.

PHISS provides data export tools for CSV, Shape, and KML formats, allowing municipalities to utilize the data for strategic planning and resource allocation to reduce public health risks.