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19.1 Water Samples

Water Samples sub-module maintains the information regarding the water quality testing with a focus on coliform bacteria levels as an initial indicator of potential water contamination. This module records the spatial location where the samples were taken.

19.1.1 Navigation to Water Samples 

·         Open the sidebar and click on Public health ISS to expand.

·         Select the Water Samples.

•    This redirects to the Water Samples page.


The Water Samples page lists all the attribute records stored in the module and provides different Filters, Actions and Tools that can be used according to the requirements. For more details (refer to section 5 Filters, section 6 Actions and section 8 Tools).

Figure 19-1 List of Water Samples

19.1.2 Add Water Samples

·         Click on the ‘Add Water Samples’ button.

·         This redirects to Add Water Samples form page.

Figure 19-2 Add Water Samples

·         After filling out the form click Save, and make sure a pop-up message is displayed, refer to section 7.1 Save for more details.

  • If a mandatory field is left out or any form failed validation during the form submission a validation message box will be prompted, refer to section 7.2 Validation Message Box for more details.


The add water samples page consists of information that is explained below:

·         Sample Date – The sample collected date.

·         Sample Location – The name of the location from which the sample was collected.

·         Water Coliform Test Result - Select the water coliform test result as: positive or negative.

·         Click to set Latitude and Longitude - Find the water sample location on the map and pin a marker on the map by clicking on that location. This will mark the spatial location of the water sample in the map with latitude and longitude.

o   The top left corner displays the zoom-in and out button

o   The top right corner tab displays the Layers and Base maps