Appendix B. Data Requirement of IMIS
SN |
Dataset |
Description |
Value Proposition |
Data Type |
CWIS Outcome (O)/Function (F) |
Dataset Creation Year |
Planning |
Management, Monitoring & Evaluation |
1 |
Ward Boundary |
Ward level administrative boundary. |
Helps in planning, assessing, and monitoring the sanitation situation in ward level.
Spatial |
Resource planning & management (F) |
M |
M |
2 |
Administrative Zone Boundary |
Boundary of administrative zones (wards organized into zones) for delivery of services. |
Helps in planning, assessing, and monitoring the sanitation situation in zone level. |
Spatial |
Resource planning & management (F) |
M |
M |
3 |
Land use |
Provides urban agglomeration of the town and the mapping across the town of the purposes the land serves.
Provides urban agglomeration of the town which helps to identify the areas which are environmental or public health sensitive but vulnerable if sanitation system is not managed properly. Guides the prioritization of the areas for interventions/ systems/ technologies, identification of areas for treatment plants that have minimum impact in environment and public health, located at an optimal distance from service area with affordable cost structures and opportunity areas for green-infrastructure development in the town based on land use. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
M |
M |
4 |
Soil |
Soil map image in raster that shows types of soil in different part of the town |
Provides information on the permeability rates and safe bearing capacity of the soils that will guide the planning and design of sanitation infrastructure systems. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
D |
D |
5 |
Presents topography of the town with clear elevation levels
Guides the choice of sanitation solution and the planning and design of the solution with optimal investments. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
M |
D |
6 |
Water table |
Water table map in raster image that shows ground water table in different parts of the town |
Provides geographic information of areas where groundwater is susceptible to pollution due to insanitary/unsafe containment units, unregulated discharge of wastewater. Groundwater table information guides the strategies for improved wastewater management of sensitive zones/locations, helps in the strategic planning and design of containment units, sewer network, and treatment plants |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
D |
D |
7 |
Waterlogged area |
Areas in town where water gets logged frequently |
Guides in developing risk reduction and preparedness strategies when planning, designing, and managing the sanitation systems and services as well as storm water management |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
D |
M |
8 |
Area where environmental sensitive activities have been taken
Areas in town which have been used to manage or dispose municipal solid waste such as landfill sites, waste collection points, waste disposing site, dens toilet effluent discharged area, open defecation area, etc. |
Helps to demarcating buffer zones around these areas where residential habitations need to be avoided and implementing environmental safeguards while planning, designing the location of sanitation treatment plant should be in conformity of such environment sensitive area. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
D |
D |
9 |
Population density
Mapping of the population density in different parts of the town.
Helps in planning and making decisions for sanitation system – sewered or non-sewered and technology selection |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
M |
D |
10 |
Planned (formal) / unplanned (informal) residential areas including slums and low-income settlements, with their demographic, socio-economic status. |
Provides detailed geographical information of the planned / unplanned residential areas, which supports in contextualizing the sanitation solutions vis-a-vis their settlement pattern |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
M |
G |
11 |
Low Income Settlement Area
Low Income Settlement Area with attributes information such as economic condition, households, population, sanitation situation, drinking water situation and waste management situation, public finance support received for settlement development, gender intentional initiatives for sanitation service, incentives received, etc. |
The demographical, socio-economic, and baseline status of sanitation and other basic services in low-income settlements will help with the prioritization of the interventions, planning, design & management of the gender intentional and socially inclusive solutions and strategizing the sustainable solutions.
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Accountability (F), Resource planning & management (F)
12 |
Building Footprint |
Building footprints with its information such as house number, property ID, Tax code, owner name, Contact Number, SWM customer code, FSM customer code, sewerage customer code, water supply customer code, road network code, sewerage network code, drainage network code, SWM service sector code, code of the associated containment, ward number, structure type (pucca, kachha, semipucca), floor counts, functional use of building, tax & other fee payment status, public finance support received for sanitation, building permit status, the status of sanitation system, service charge payment status.
Provides detail information about buildings – where a building is located and how much area has been occupied, building topology, functional use, the types of sanitation system (sewerage or onsite), municipal services receiving, access road, associated sewerage, storm drain, water supply line and corresponding service area if connected to sewer, water and drain, associated SWM service area, associated containment, status of tax and other municipal fee, number if people living, etc. Building’s in-depth information helps city authority in assessing quality and quantity of wastewater and solid waste generated from a particular ward, area, and the city as a whole. Building footprints with various attribute information helps to understand city’s settlement pattern and calculate built up density. Historical data about building footprints together with different attribute information regarding building will help to understand the city’s development trend and land use change in a particular area of a town, ward, or city. Helps to identify the areas with significant number of defaulters of municipal taxes and service fees which will help to reason behind this and fixing the tax and service fee and developing strategies for efficient collection of tax and service fee. Building data together with other data layers helps in selecting appropriate sanitation systems and the technologies with its CAPEX and OPEX and develop good investment plan in line with CWIS principle. Provides information required for pricing slabs and collection status |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Accountability (F), Resource planning & management (F)
M |
M |
13 |
Road Network |
Information about roads such as road name, hierarchy, surface type, width, etc. |
Helps with planning and design of sewer network, desludging route, storm water management, and green infrastructure.
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
M |
M |
14 |
Point of Interests (POIs) |
Locations and name of city offices, ward office, public places, market, postal service, hospital, health post, buildings, public toilet, rehabilitation center, fire brigade, tourist information center, business complex, shopping mall, police station, parking place, health and fitness, office, etc. |
Helps in assessing the need to provide public sanitation facilities in these public places. Helps to understand the concentration of floating populations and design the sanitation facility. Helps in exploring and promoting technology option (e.g., development of DEWATs facility to cater the treatment of large volume wastewater generations, particularly if the area has not been served by a sewer system). |
Spatial |
15 |
Water bodies |
Water bodies area covered by Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, etc. |
Guides in developing risk reduction and preparedness strategies when planning, designing, and managing the sanitation systems and services as well as storm water management. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
M |
M |
16 |
Containments |
Location of containment with its unique id, associated building, containment type (septic tank/ holding tank/ pit), containment size(m3), associated road code, last desludging date, population served, public finance support received, etc. |
Provides detailed information about every containment in a town, which helps in understanding the number of containments by their types, the total number of populations being served, estimated volume of fecal sludge generated, population served, etc. Understanding the spatial coverage of sanitary that complies with all requirements. |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
D |
M |
17 |
Strom water network |
Strom water network with structure type (Pucca, Katcha), width, status (closed, open), and its outfalls |
Provides information on the areas that are served with sewer network which helps in assessing the areas which are not connected to sewer where interventions need to be planned for inclusive sanitation. In conjunction with building data, it helps to understand how many buildings by type, households and population are being served or unserved and helps in estimating the volume of wastewater generated from the served or unserved areas. Provides the geographic location of the sewerage outfall which will help to understand where sewage flows and how it is getting discharged and managed. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
M |
M |
18 |
City water supply areas |
Areas in town which are covered by the city water supply. |
Provides information about areas served and unserved by city water supply, which will help to understand the quantity and quality of wastewater generated in those areas. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F) |
D |
D |
19 |
Public/Community Toilets (PT/CT) |
Public services (PT/CT) in the towns with the types of services provided, capacity, users (male/female), service provider, public finance support received, gender intentional initiatives in design, service fee, incentives received, etc. |
Provides location information about centers that deliver public services which will also help in assessing the need to provide public sanitation facilities in these public places. Help to understand the concentration of floating populations and design the sanitation facility. Helps in exploring and promoting technology options (e.g., development of DEWATs facility to cater to the treatment of large volume wastewater generations, particularly if the area has been not served by a sewer system) |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
M |
M |
20 |
Treatment Plants |
Locations, capacity, etc. of WWTP and FSTPs. |
Provides geographic location and information about Treatment Plants and helps in proximity understanding of treatment plants from town settlements and various land uses. Helps in planning and decision-making processes such as planning co-treatment of FS in the STP.
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F)
M |
M |
21 |
Landfill site |
Landfill sites with their area, capacity, etc. |
Provides information such as collection frequency and service providers of areas. Service area in conjunction with building data helps to estimate the volume of waste generated from the service area. Helps to conduct a feasibility study for implementing different technologies such as co-composting of SW with FS is feasible based on the demand for Dried FS compost. Provides geographic location with various information about Landfill Sites, which will help to analyze distance economics for waste management in town. Helps to assess whether an existing site is enough for an integrated waste management system. Helps to understand on area conflict of land-fill location with potential urban growth patterns and further guides the authority in case any alternative location needs to be explored for future uses. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management
D |
M |
22 |
Water borne disease hotspot |
Hotspot of water-borne diseases that occurred in the town in last 5 years. |
Helps to know areas vulnerable to unmanaged sanitation and monitor and evaluation of sanitation intervention. |
Spatial |
Safety (O), Responsibility (F), Accountability (F) |
D |
D |
23 |
Tax zone |
Tax zone with tax rate and status of revenue collection in different tax and services provided by Pourashava. |
Provides tax rates for the different areas in the town. Tax zone in conjunction with the status of property tax collection, service fee collection, and settlement data help in fixing the tariff for service and developing strategies for collecting service fees for efficient and sustainable service delivery. |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F), Responsibility (F), Accountability (F)
D |
D |
24 |
Service provider
Town inhouse unit or outsourced companies providing sanitation service and the gender intentional policy, benefits, and incentives of service providers. |
Provides information about service providers that are in-house units or sections of LG or outsourced companies including their information about their coverage, capacity, infrastructure available for providing service incentives, penalties. Provides information about targets, the status of performance, incentives, penalties, etc. received by each service provider of LG to monitor the service authority performance. |
Spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Responsibility (F), Accountability (F), Sustainability (O), |
D |
M |
25 |
Emptying and Transportation Infrastructure and Services |
Service provider’s information including human resources and vehicle inventory (quantity, size, service status). |
Helps to understand the transportation infrastructure available and their status. |
Non-spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F), Accountability (F)
M |
M |
26 |
Customer data |
Database of houses that are receiving sanitation services, water supply services, SWM services, etc. |
Provides information about the buildings and containments which have received service. Helps in planning and developing different strategies for planning, managing, and M&E of the systems and services. |
Non-spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability(O)
D |
M |
27 |
Customer feedback data |
Customer’s feedback about service after desludging the containment. |
Helps in management and M&E of the sanitation service. |
Non-spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Responsibility (F), Accountability (F) |
D |
M |
28 |
Public/Community Toilets (PT/CT) service feedback |
User’s feedback on PT/CT |
Helps in management and M&E of the public service |
Non-spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O). Sustainability (O), Responsibility (F), Accountability (F), Resource planning & management (F)
D |
M |
29 |
Desludging service feedback |
Customer’s feedback about the desludging service |
Helps in formulating strategies for increasing efficiency of service delivery |
Non-spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F), Accountability (F) |
D |
M |
30 |
Fecal Sludge Data |
Fecal sludge collected, treated, and reused records maintained by the town for different sites |
Non-spatial |
Equity (O), Safety (O), Sustainability (O), Resource planning & management (F), Accountability (F)
D |
M |
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