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9.3 Building Survey
The Building Survey sub-module is dedicated to maintaining information about field surveys conducted to identify and digitize both pre-existing and new buildings in the municipality via the Building Information Collection mobile application. This application c...
9.3.2 Approve Building Structure
· Click on Approve Building Structure in the Actions column. The Approve Building Structure form is displayed, and the fields are similar to Add Building (refer to section 9.2.2 Add Building), however, the Building Footprint (KML File) and the Sur...
9.3.4 Download Building KML File
· Click on the Download button in the Action Column Overview · A KML file will be downloaded, and the user can check and verify the downloaded KML footprint whether it is valid or not via Google Earth/QGIS. Figure 9- 8 Validating KML fi...
9.4 Low Income Community
The Low-Income Community sub-module is dedicated to maintaining information regarding the low-income communities in the city, along with the area they cover. This module enables the system to maintain individual buildings that are in LIC area along with their ...
Introduction to FSIMS
The FSIMS is categorized into five sub-modules: i. FSM Dashboard (FSMD): The FSMD provides information related FSM services, overall, from containment emptying to transfer and disposal of waste in the FSTP. FSMD provides information about t...
10.1 FSM Dashboard
10.1.1 Navigation to FSM Dashboard · Open the sidebar and click on Fecal Sludge IMS to expand. · Select the FSM Dashboard. Overview: · The FSM Dashboard provides a quick synopsis of the information maintained in this module....
10.2 Containment IMS
The Containment IMS module stores information on containments, buildings connected to them, service history, and other associated data. 10.2.1 Navigation to Containments · Open the sidebar and click on Fecal Sludge IMS to expand. · Click on ...
10.3.1 Service Providers
a) Navigation to Service Providers• Open the sidebar and click on Fecal Sludge IMS to expand. • Now, click on Service Provider IMS and select Service Providers. Overview: · The Service Providers Page lists all the attribute records store...
10.4 Treatment Plant IMS
10.4.1 Treatment Plants Treatment Plants sub-module of Fecal Sludge IMS maintains information of different treatment plants that either treats wastewater collected and conveyed by sewer network or fecal sludge which are emptied and transported from containmen...
10.5 Performance Efficiency Standards
The Performance Efficiency Standards Sub-module basically set the parameters of standards for the module that is Performance Efficiency Test at the start when interacted with the web-application 10.5.1 Navigation to Performance Efficiency Standards • Open...
10.6 Emptying Service IMS
Emptying Service IMS includes the sub-modules which allows the management and monitoring of the sanitation value chain. This sub-module includes Applications, Emptying, Sludge Collection, Feedback, and Help Desk, which are the primary components of the sanitat...
Sewer Connection Information Support System (SCIMS)
The SCIMS is a core module that enables the city to maintain information on new sewer connections established between a building and sewer network within the city. This module provides a native mobile application (android) that allows the collection of the uni...
PHISS effectively tracks spatial and attribute data on waterborne disease hotspots, including cases of diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, along with associated fatalities. Integrated with UDSS, it enables municipal authorities to analyze disease preval...
12.1 Public / Community Toilets
12.1.1 Navigation to Public / Community Toilets · Open the sidebar and click on ‘PT/CT IMS’ to expand. · Select the Public / Community Toilets. Overview: · The Public / Community Toilets Page lists all the attribute records st...
12.3 PT Users Log
The PT Users Log sub-module maintains the information regarding the total number of users of the toilets on a daily basis. 12.3.1 Navigation to PT Users Log · Open the sidebar and click on ‘PT IMS’ to expand. · Select the PT Users Log. O...
CWIS IMIS Introduction
CWISIMS is a vital module of the IMIS that provides tools to generate CWIS indicators for the city and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor the performance of sanitation service providers for a specified year. The CWISIMS is a part of the UMDSS which a...
13.1 CWIS Dashboard
13.1.1 Navigation to CWIS Dashboard · Open the sidebar and click on CWIS IMS to expand. · Select the CWIS Dashboard. Overview: · The CWIS Dashboard provides the CWIS indicators of the city. Figure 13‑1 CWIS Dashboard
13.2 CWIS Generator
CWIS can be generated through the addition of data on a yearly basis. The system is also capable of generating and compiling the yearly data. 13.2.1 Navigation to CWIS Generator · Open the sidebar and click on ‘CWIS IMS’ to expand. · Select ...
13.3 CWIS Settings
CWIS Setting sub-module also set the standard parameter for the module that is CWIS Generator, when interacted the web-application. CWIS Generator displays the data of the module whereas CWIS Settings is the standard values which is used according to CWIS Indi...
13.4 KPI Dashboard
13.4.1 Navigation to KPI Dashboard · Open the sidebar and click on ‘CWIS IMS’ to expand. · Select the KPI Dashboard. This redirects to the KPI Dashboard page. Overview: · The KPI Dashboard contains different indicators under...