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Sewer Connection Information Support System (SCIMS)

The SCIMS is a core module that enables the city to maintain information on new sewer connections established between a building and sewer network within the city. This module provides a native mobile application (android) that allows the collection of the unique ID of both the building and the corresponding sewer network through a field survey. The collected building ID as well as sewer ID are maintained by this module, and once approved it is reflected in the BIMS, which updates the sanitation system and utility information of the building. 

11.1 Sewer Connection IMS

11.1.1 Navigation to Sewer Connection IMS

·         Open the sidebar and select Sewer Connection IMS’.


·         The user can see the list of sewer connection data which is collected through mobile application.

·         User can approve sewer connection by clicking on the Approve button in the action column (refer to section 11.1.2 Approve Sewer Connection).

·         Preview the location of the building (refer to section 11.1.3 Preview Sewer Connected to Building Location).

·         Delete the record if necessary (refer to section 6.3 Delete Record).

·         Filter the data (refer to section 5 Filters).

Figure 11-1 Sewer Connection Lists

The Building Code (BIN) and Sewer Code are collected via mobile application; after submitting the sewer data from the mobile app, the data is then sent to the web which is displayed in the Sewer Connection module. For detailed instructions on the sewer connection information collection process, refer to the Sewer Connection Information Collection Mobile App User Manual.

11.1.2 Approve Sewer Connection

·         Click on the Approve button in the Action Column.

·         Upon clicking the “Yes” button in the confirmation dialog box, the existing sanitation system status of the building will be updated to a sewer network and any associated containment connections will be removed. If there is a corresponding containment connection, it will be removed. Selecting “No” will keep the existing record unchanged.

Figure 11-  2 Confirmation box for approving the sewer connection request

11.1.3 Preview Sewer Connected to Building Location

·         To view the location of the building connected to the sewer click the Eye button.


Figure 11-  3 Preview building location (KML viewer)