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10.4 Treatment Plant IMS

10.4.1 Treatment Plants

Treatment Plants sub-module of Fecal Sludge IMS maintains information of different treatment plants that either treats wastewater collected and conveyed by sewer network or fecal sludge which are emptied and transported from containments mechanically.

a)    Navigation to Treatment Plants

·         Open the sidebar and click on Fecal Sludge IMS to expand.

·         Now, click on Treatment Plant IMS and select Treatment Plants.


The Treatment Plants page lists the records stored in the module and provide different Filters, Actions and Tools that can be used according to the requirements. For more details (refer to section 5 Filters, section 6 Actions and section 8 Tools).

Figure 10- 11 List of Treatment Plant

b)    Add Treatment Plant

·         Click on ‘Add Treatment Plant’ button.

Figure 10- 12 Add Treatment Plant

  • After filling out the form, click Save and make sure a pop-up message is displayed, refer to section 7.1 Save for more details.
  • If a mandatory form field is left out or any form failed validation during the form submission a validation message box will be prompted, refer to section 7.2 Validation Message Box for more details.


The add new treatment plants page consists of different form fields that capture different information which are explained below:

·         Name - Name of the treatment plant.

·         Location- Location of the treatment plant where it is situated.

·         Capacity per Day (m3) - Total capacity per day of the treatment plant to treat sludge. (it takes numeric value only)

·         Treatment Plant Type - The type of the treatment plant designed to treat either wastewater or fecal sludge.

o   FSTP – Fecal sludge treatment plant.

o   Centralized WWTP - Centralized waste water treatment plant.

o   Decentralized WWTP – Decentralized waste water treatment plant.

o   Co- Treatment Plant - Treatment plants where wastewater and fecal sludge are treated together by the sanitation expert.

·         Caretaker Name - Name of the caretaker of the treatment plant.

·         Caretaker Gender – Gender of the Caretaker.

·         Caretaker Number - Contact number of the Caretaker (It takes numeric values only).

·         Status - Status of the treatment plant that is operational or non-operational.

·         Click to set Latitude and Longitude - Find the treatment plant location on the map and pin a marker on the map by clicking on that location. This will mark the spatial location of the treatment plant in the map with latitude and longitude.

Figure 10- 13 Pinned Location of new treatment plant

·         Create user? - If the user chooses to create a new user for the Treatment plant (with Treatment Plant Admin role), then the user needs to check the Create User option and fill in the "Password" & "Confirm Password" fields, which will allow the user to log in.

Figure 10 - 14 Create new user

·         Email- Email of the user to log into the system.

·         Password- Password of the user to log into the system (The password must contain one uppercase, one lowercase and must contain at least one symbol)

  • Confirm Password: Enter the exact entered password again.


Deletion of treatment plant data is not allowed if any of the following conditions are met:

·         The treatment plant has associated emptying records, only the its status can be set to non-operational.

·         The treatment plant has associated performance efficiency test records.

·         The treatment plant has associated users.

When the deletion is allowed, the associated sewers or drains linked to the Treatment Plant ID are nullified.