Extraction of Elevation Profile using SRTM or ASTER DEM
Stepwise Process Flow Details
Step 1: Install the SRTM Downloader Plugin o Open QGIS. o Go to the Plugins menu. o Select "Manage and Install Plugins." o In the Plugins dialog, search for "SRTM Downloader." o Click on the plugin and then click the "Install Plugin" button to install.
Step 2: Access the SRTM Downloader Plugin o Once the plugin is installed, you should see a new menu item called "SRTM Downloader" in the QGIS toolbar.
Step 3: Define Study Area o Zoom in to your study area in QGIS using the zoom and pan tools.
Use the rectangle or polygon selection tool to define the area you want to download the SRTM data for. You can find these selection tools in the QGIS toolbar.
Step 4: Run the SRTM Downloader Plugin o Click on the "SRTM Downloader" menu in the QGIS toolbar. o Login using the Earthdata user account.
In the SRTM Downloader dialog, choose the output folder where you want to save the downloaded data.
Step 5: Start the Download o Click the "OK" button to start the download process. The plugin will automatically download the SRTM data for the defined study area.
Step 6: Process the Downloaded Data o Once the download is complete, the SRTM data will be available in the output folder you specified. o You can now use the downloaded SRTM data for your analysis in QGIS.
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