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1.5 Data Checklist and Potential Source

Output Maps

Data Layer




1. Base map

Administrative boundary

Water bodies

Road/Rail network


Building footprints

Building uses

Ward-wise population


2. Waterlogged Risk mapping

Elevation profile

Natural drainage density

Storm water drainage network

3. Flood risk mapping

Highest flood level (HFL) of nearby river

Elevation profile

4. Water proximity settlements mapping

Buffer of water bodies


5. Hard to reach settlement mapping

Applying buffers on different road width

In-accessible settlements

Building footprints

6. LIC Settlements

Building structure types (Katcha and


7. Public Toilet upgradation and new


Location of all existing toilets


8. FSTP Proximity Assessment Mapping

Building footprints

Road width and network

Location of FSTP

9. Greywater management

Watershed maps