1.5 Data Checklist and Potential Source
Output Maps |
Data Layer |
1. Base map |
Administrative boundary |
Water bodies |
Road/Rail network |
Land-use |
Building footprints |
Building uses |
Ward-wise population |
2. Waterlogged Risk mapping |
Elevation profile |
Natural drainage density |
Storm water drainage network |
3. Flood risk mapping |
Highest flood level (HFL) of nearby river |
Elevation profile |
4. Water proximity settlements mapping |
Buffer of water bodies |
5. Hard to reach settlement mapping |
Applying buffers on different road width |
In-accessible settlements |
Building footprints |
6. LIC Settlements |
Building structure types (Katcha and Pucca) |
7. Public Toilet – upgradation and new units |
Location of all existing toilets |
8. FSTP Proximity Assessment Mapping |
Building footprints |
Road width and network |
Location of FSTP |
9. Greywater management |
Watershed maps |
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