18.1 Export Data
All data layers stored in the IMIS system are available for export. There is an option to export layers within a specific ward. Layers can be exported in either a shape file or a KML file. This module supports further planning and analysis outside the IMIS system. Any GIS software can be used to view exported shape files. KML files can be easily viewed on Google Earth.
· Open the sidebar and click on ‘Urban Management DSS’.
· Select the Export Data.
· This redirects to the Export to Shape File or Kml page.
· Fill out all the required fields.
· Enter a specific data layer that the user is interested in exporting. The checklist available in the Layers filter is not mutually exclusive, therefore the user has the option of selecting all layers, a specific data layer, or multiple data layers.
· Choose a desired spatial Filter between Wards. Depending upon the chosen spatial Filter, the user is provided with an option to select Wards. The checklist available in the Wards filter is not mutually exclusive, therefore the user can select more than one Wards if desired.
· Choose a desired export format between the Shape and KML files. A zipped file will be downloaded when the shape file is chosen.
· Click on the ‘Download’ button.
Figure 18- 1 Export to Shape File or KML file page
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