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1.2.4 Community Toilet / Public Toilet Information Management System (PTCTIMS)

The PTCTIMIS is another core module of the system that maintains the information about the Public Toilets (PT) and Community Toilets (CT) in the city. The module enables municipal authority to maintain geographic locations of the PTs and the CTs in the city with their capacities and facilities along with daily user logs in case of PTs. In the case of CTs, PTCTIMS maintains the number of households and the population served by CTs, based on the household and population data maintained by building databases in the system. Data export feature of the module enables users to export data PT/CT data in CSV format. Mapping features of UMDSS with this data enables municipal authorities to map the locations of the PTs/CTs with their operational condition and it has also provided a tool to map the buildings which are served by a specific CT.

CT information along with building information maintained by PTCTIMS helps monitoring four major CWIS indicators (i) Dependent population with access to safe shared facilities, (ii) Shared facilities that adhere to principles of universal design, (iii) Shared facility users who are women, and (iv) Average distance from household to shared facility. Similarly, PT information along with containment emptying data enables municipal authority to monitor CWIS indicators (i) PT where faecal sludge generated is safely transported to treatment plant or safely disposed in situ, (ii) PT that adhere to principles of universal design, and (iii) PT users who are women.