14.2 Road Network
The Road Network Sub-Module maintains the information regarding the road networks of the city. The road network database maintains information on various attributes that define different aspects of a road such as a road code, surface type, and hierarchy.
· Open the sidebar and click on ‘Utility IMS’ to expand.
· Select the Road Network.
• This redirects to the Road Network page.
The Road Network Page lists all the attribute records stored in the module and provides different Filters, Actions and Tools that can be used according to the requirements. For more details (refer to section 5 Filters, section 6 Actions and section 8 Tools).
Figure 14- 2 List of Road Network
14.2.2 Add roads
· To add roads, go to the Map page.
· Click on the add road button, this will turn on sub-tool features to add the road line and its other related information.
Figure 14- 3 Map Tools
· To add a new road, the user need to locate the tentative location of the starting point and ending point of a new road constructed through the map feature interface.
Figure 14- 4 Locating the new road section
· Once the new road section has been identified, the user must tentatively outline the new road on the map interface by creating a set of points.
Figure 14- 5 Add new road section
· If the user is not satisfied with the drawn road line on the map, they can undo, redo, or remove it by clicking the corresponding button.
Figure 14- 6 Undo, Redo and Remove
· Upon generating an acceptable outline of the new road, the user must enter the information of the new road and save the information.
Figure 14- 7 Attribute Information of new road section
Add Road Form
· Road Name: The name of the road.
· Road Hierarchy: The hierarchy of the road from the dropdown.
· Road Surface Type: The surface type of the road from the dropdown.
· Road Length (m): The length of the added road.
· Right of Way: The width of the road designated for vehicles and pedestrians, Right of Way value must be greater than or equal to the carrying width of the road.
· Carrying Width of the Road (m): The area designated for vehicle movement, excluding non-traffic zones.
· To save a road line drawing, users must complete required fields marked with red asterisks. Submitting without completing these fields will result in an error message:
14.2.3 Edit Road
· In addition to updating new road lines, the tool offers the capability to extend or modify existing road lines directly through the map interface, providing users with a means to update road information as urban infrastructure evolves.
Figure 14- 8 Spatial information of new road section
· To extend an existing road or change its route, users can activate the edit feature.
· First, select the desired road from the map interface, which is highlighted for easy identification (refer to Figure 14- 8).
· Next, select a point along the road line that requires modification and dragging or moving the point to adjust its position as needed.
· This process enables precise edits to the road line's shape when necessary. Moreover, users can easily extend the road line by selecting the endpoint of the road and dragging it to reflect the actual road extension. This functionality allows users to accurately update and extend road networks directly through the map interface.
Figure 14- 9 Updated Road line
· Deletion of road data is not permitted when it is associated with building data.
· Deletion of road data is not permitted when it is associated with sewer data.
· Deletion of road data is not permitted when it is associated with water supply data.
· Deletion of road data is not permitted when it is associated with drain data.
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