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15.1 Solid Waste ISS

The Solid Waste Information Support System sub-module imports data via CSV of the solid waste status of the buildings in the municipality.

15.1.1 Navigation to Solid Waste ISS

·         Open the sidebar and select ‘Solid Waste ISS’.


·         The user can view the lists of swm service payments status data including the due years.

·         User can import the data via CSV of solid waste service data clicking on the Import from CSV” (refer to section 15.1.2 Import Solid Waste ISS).

·         The user can download the CSV Template to import the swm service payment data (refer to section 15.1.3).

·         Export the data (refer to chapter 8 Tools) and filter data (refer to chapter 5 Filters).

Figure 15- 1 List of solid waste service data

15.1.2 Import Solid Waste ISS

·         Click on ‘Import from CSV’ at the top left of Solid Waste Information Support System page.

•    This will redirect the user to Import Solid Waste Information Support System page.


·         The user can upload the swm service payment data including the last payment date of the building from this module. 

Figure 15- 2 Import Solid Waste  ISS CSV File

·         Once the user selects the CSV file to be imported, they must click the Upload button to import the data. The user will then be notified with a pop-up message indicating successful import, refer to section 7.3 Successfully Imported for more details.

·         The system currently does not allow user to import data from any other format than csv and must the system specified data structure. In case of attempt to import data from other format system will prompt red error message of mismatched format, refer to section 7.4 Import Format Error for more details.


  • The format for the Last Payment Date must be of mm/dd/yyyy (eg: 8/21/2022 which implies August 21st 2022)

15.1.3 Download CSV Template

·         Click on the ‘Download CSV Template’ button at the top left of the Solid Waste Information Support System page.


·         A CSV template file containing sample data and the required headers will be downloaded, which are essential for importing the csv file.

·         Download CSV Template is available only in the Property Tax Collection ISS, Water Supply ISS, and Solid Waste ISS modules.

Figure 15- 3 Downloaded Solid Waste ISS CSV Template