19.3 Waterborne Cases Information
The Waterborne Cases Information Sub Module maintains data relevant to Yearly Waterborne cases information. Its primary objective is to retain knowledge of diseases spread through contaminated water.
· Open the sidebar and click on Public Health ISS.
· Select the Waterborne Cases Information.
The Waterborne Cases Information page lists all the attribute records stored in the module and provides different Filters, Actions and Tools that can be used according to the requirements. For more details (refer to section 5 Filters, section 6 Actions and section 8 Tools).
Figure 19- 5 Waterborne Cases Information Page
19.3.2 Add Waterborne Cases Information
· Click on Add Waterborne Cases Information button.
Figure 19- 6 Waterborne Cases Information form
· After filling out the form, click Save and make sure a pop-up message is displayed, refer to section 7.1 Save for more details.
- If a mandatory field is left out or any form failed validation during the form submission a validation message box will be prompted, refer to section 7.2 Validation Message Box for more details.
· Year: The year when the diseases’ cases were identified.
· Infected Disease: The name of the infected disease.
· Number of Cases: Number of cases (Male, Female, Other) reported.
· Number of Fatalities: Number of fatalities (Male, Female, Other) reported. There is a validation that the number of fatalities must be less than the number of cases.
· Notes: Additional notes on information.
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