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1.2.8 Solid Waste Information Support System (SWISS)

The SWISS that enhances the management of solid waste services and fee collection. The module includes a tool for importing a municipality’s solid waste customer data, including their last solid waste management service fee payment date, in CSV format. Based on this imported data, the SWISS module generates and maintains solid waste management customer records in IMIS, along with their fee payment status. It also provides tools to export building data with their solid waste service fee payment status and identifies discrepancies by highlighting records that exist in the municipality’s solid waste customer database but are missing from IMIS.

Using the imported data, UMDSS in IMIS helps municipal authorities map buildings with or without solid waste management services and their respective fee payment statuses. This mapping capability enables municipalities to monitor service coverage, assess the status of fee collections, and identify geographic trends in solid waste management service delivery. By integrating solid waste management customer data with building records in IMIS, the SWISS module equips municipal authorities with actionable insights to make informed decisions regarding solid waste services.

The visualized data provided by SWISS supports municipalities in formulating policies to enhance the solid waste management service and fee collection processes. It also aids in optimizing resource allocation and improving overall service delivery by identifying areas requiring attention or adjustments. This integration is currently carried out manually on a periodic basis to ensure the data in IMIS remains up to date. Like the PTCISS module, SWISS does not yet support real-time data integration through an API.